Information about +256704801917

Trace Owner details of +256704801917


+256704801917 is business number, listed for PEMA TONER. PEMA TONER is a Electronics store in Uganda. The contact address of +256704801917 is Old mbale Rd, Soroti, Uganda.

Business Name PEMA TONER
Business Address Old mbale Rd, Soroti, Uganda
Business Category Electronics store

Browse Other Numbers:

Cell Number Business Name
256758581638 PM Kingstone Accessories Soroti Branch
256774452461 Reagan Spa And Beauty Salon
256774103263 Grace innol enterprises
256789000099 Al-Ansad Investments and Contructors ltd
Cell Number Business Name
256454461793 Uganda Human Rights Commission
256454461605 Soroti University
256778317607 God's grace general Enterprise . Soroti city
256772306789 lil eazy
256773457365 RIDDHI HARDWARE

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